Pages in English
- Overview
- Swedish Scrabble rules
- Qualification to WESPAC
- Word lists for training
- Highest move scores
- Scrabble wordwide
There is no English version of this web site yet, just a number of pages in English. Click the menu option Overview to find information in English about playing English Scrabble in Sweden.
If you have comments on our pages or want to get in touch with the English section of the Swedish Scrabble Association, please join our Facebook group English Scrabble in Sweden.
Spela på engelska
Klicka på menyvalen intill så hittar du sidor på svenska och engelska om hur vi spelar engelskt Scrabble i Sverige.
Om du har synpunkter på sidorna eller vill nå den engelska sektionen av Svenska Scrabbleförbundet, gå med i vår Facebookgrupp English Scrabble in Sweden.