In 2005, the Swedish Scrabble Association (SSA) for the first time sent a representative to the 2005 World Scrabble Championship (WSC) in London. The Swedish player Mårten Björkman had qualified in Swedish tournaments in English Scrabble.
In three open tournaments in 2005, Swedish participants got WSC qualifying points according to their standings. The last placed player got 1 point, the last but one 2 points and so on. The three best participants also got bonus qualifying points: the best one 8, the second best 4, and the third best 2 points. After the regular tournaments, the four players with the highest total qualifying points met in a special qualifying final called Squash Cup. All players met each other at twice. The winner of Squash Cup was Marja Takala, but she gracefully declined and offered her WSC place to Mårten Björkman who came second. This table shows the final WSC 2005 qualification results before Squash Cup:
Kommande turneringar
29 mar 12 anmälda till 18 platser STOR(OR)DIG i Kärrtorp*
30 mar 11 anmälda till 14 platser SMÅPRAT i Kärrtorp*
12 apr 9 anmälda till 24 platser Engelskt Scrabble-SM i Stockholm *
3-4 maj 12 anmälda till 18 platser Göteborg Open i Sävedalen
2 aug Ej öppen för anmälningar Göken Cup i Ystad
* Ändrad senaste dygnet
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