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Eurovision Scrabble Championships  

Datum: 2013-05-17 - 2013-05-18
Ort: Lund
Arrangör: Edward Martin
Spelsystem: Double round-robin
Antal deltagare: 6
Antal ronder: 20
Snittpoäng: 425
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spelare och match:

Eurovision Scrabble Championships was an international two-day tournament, arranged by Edward Martin in Lund on May 17-18. Edward, David Webb, Terry Kirk and Lewis Mackay from England battled it out together with Chris May and Andrew Fisher from Australia. They all had a very enjoyable weekend, topped with Eurovision frenzy in Malmö Arena and the Eurovision Village!

For practical reasons (as Chris arrived on Saturday), the 20-round tournament was divided into two parts with 10 rounds each. The winner on Friday was David with 6 wins. Saturday"s winner was Chris May who won 9 games out of 10. David Webb was declared the overall winner of the whole tournament.

All bingos were recorded. Chris had the highest average number of bingos, 2.2, in his 10 matches on the second day. David Webb and Edward Martin both played 36 bingos, the highest number for both days. 195 bingos were played in all and not a single phony slipped through. Nine of the bingos scored more than 100 points (see list here).

Eurovision Scrabble Championships broke a number of records for Swedish tournaments in English Scrabble. This was perhaps not too surprising, as all the players are ranked among the top 40 on the official British rating list:

- Average game score: 425. (Previous record: 378 in Butter Cup 2005.)
- Average number of bingos: 1.95. (Previous record: 1.48 in Butter Cup 2005.)
- Highest total score: 1064, Andrew-Edward 641-423 in round 12. (Previous record: 927, David Acton-Daniel Simonis 527-400 in Butter Cup 2005.)
- Highest winning score: 641, Andrew-Edward 641-423 in round 12. (Previous record: 615, Terry in Beverly Hills Cup 2006.)
- Highest losing score: 460, Edward-Terry 460-487 in round 7. (Previous record: 435, Gunnar Andersson in (GU)NRUNNER CUP 2011.)
- Highest move score: 203, DIAZINES by Andrew. (Previous record: 137, RACQUETS by Allan Simmons in Butter Cup 2005.)
- Top 50 of highest total scores: 26 scores made it here, 6 of which among the top 10.
- Top 50 of highest winning scores: 12 scores made it here, 2 of which among the top 10.
- Top 50 of highest losing scores: 27 scores made it here, 8 of which among the top 10.

Greger Nässén
Off-site reporter

  Slutställning  V O F Rating innan Rating- ändring
1 David Webb 10   8 NY +8,36   
2 Chris May 9   1 NY +29,89   
3 Edward Martin 9   9 1029 -10,50   
4 Andrew Fisher 8   10 NY -2,34   
5 Terry Kirk 8   10 1021 -12,33   
6 Lewis Mackay 6   12 NY -13,08   

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